

UX/UIArt DirectionIllustration

The Project

The brief for Vélotomic was to explore the periodic table and present it in a more interactive and educational experience. I took this to specifically look at elements from the periodic table that are used for bikes.

My goal for this project was to break down the information and make it easier for non cyclists to understand. To aid this I have also taken a more Illustrative approach to the brief.


The Process

The process began by collating information around the elements used in bikes and breaking it down into usable content. I then began with research and paper based planning, looking at different layouts, colour palettes and the overall style I also wanted the project to capture. Below are a couple of pages from the planning/wireframing process.


The Visual Look

For the colour palette the aim was to keep the same look and feel throughout yet still being diverse enough to allow each element to have it's own colour. This palette could easily be expanded if more bikes/elements were to be implemented to the project. The look and feel of Vélotomic took inspiration from Flat Guitars by David Navarro and Ingamana. For the typography I wanted to capture the vintage feeling alot of cycling culture still holds. To achieve this I used a Serif/Sans-serif combination, with Joanna Nova for header/decorative use and Helvetica for legibility.


The Illustrations

The bike illustrations are probably one of the focal points of Vélotomic and for me extremely enjoyable being that I'm a keen cyclist. When creating these it was important to have them as accurate as possible. Sourcing the correct logos/decals and illustrating the components were definitely the most challenging aspects of this process.


The Overview

Overall I learnt a-lot from this project, I had alot of fun with the art style, typography, user testing and bringing all of these things together to create a complete piece. Down the line I want to expand on this project or at least the idea around it, with the potential to even make it into a fully functional website.

You can see the current prototype here.